Sunday, June 3, 2012

Time tomorrow?

Hey Does anyone know what time we have to be there tomorrow?

Last Minute Changes

To the girls doing the contents page…

Under ‘Adography’, the page 15 article title is “Non‐product advertising,” instead of “I Am A Hero”…
And under ‘Phenomenology,’ Clarisse spells her name with one ‘r’ and 2 ‘s’…

If you could fix that up ASAP tonight, that would be great, thanks!

Saturday, June 2, 2012


- so sorry if it is too late, but i have put my final layout in the SIGNOGRAPHY folder (page 11 final)

Friday, June 1, 2012

Elise Bouchard - Course Reflection

I have really enjoyed this course this semester, and it has been one of my favourite subjects overall. I feel I have learnt a lot about printing and publication techniques thus gaining many new useful skills.

I enjoyed the first project a lot more as it was very hands on and interesting in the sense that we had to select the most appropriate paper stock and colour etc to suit the phrase we were printing. I am more of a hands on practical person which is why this project really intrigued me. It was nice to see everyone’s finished booklet as they were all so different and it was good to see the different ways that people constructed their booklets and thought process.

Project 2 has also been fun to work on but I didn’t enjoy it as much as more time was spent on a computer, however I did find it educational because the weekly lectures and discussion points really helped me understand the history, processes and procedures I otherwise didn’t know. These discussion points were good as they were always interesting to respond to and it was great to be able to read everyone else’s thoughts on the topic.

Overall I had a great experience with this class and would recommend this course to fellow students.