Sunday, April 22, 2012

Discussion Point - Alana Peddie

The bible provides an interesting parallel to the evolution and technical developments of the printed word. 

In 1946 German Johann Gutenberg made a revolutionary technological breakthrough,  the invention of the movable type printing press. This marked the start of the 'Gutenberg Revolution' and the age of the printed book. 

in the case of the bible, prior to the mass produced printed page scribes had for centuries dedicated themselves to copying the scriptures by hand, an expensive and labour some task.  Gutenberg's new process sparked a revolution in society and the church, with more books being printed, more people became readers, and this spread literacy. 

The Gutenberg Bible follows a very rigid grid structure. The two columns of text have the same line and vertical length and this is tightly applied throughout. This creates great typographic legibility and a clear sense of visual organisation, defining a hierarchical structure to the information. It is a very controlled visual language. This grid structure has become the widely accepted and acknowledged visual image of the bible right up until today.

Double-spread of the Gutenberg Bible

With the advent of the digital age the Bible the book which brought in the printing revolution 550 years ago is having a revolution, it is now increasingly turning electronic.  The 'Bible' app has been purchased by more than 35 million people.

One such example the Glo Bible + app demonstrates clearly how this shift to a digital world has called for a complete change in visual language. The application of the grid has now become a common commodity in our modern world and its simplicity in the Gutenberg Bible is now commonly viewed as dull. On the reflective, glowing surface of the computer, tablet or mobile phone visual hierarchy has to be readapted to maintain legibility and the possibility for complex layered grids, a result of digital technology,  is exploited.
Glo Bible screens array

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